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Security Days 2024: Securing Tomorrow's Knowledge

Prague, Czech Republic | 9-11 April 2024

The first edition of GÉANT Security Days took place from 9-11 April in Prague, Czech Republic. The event, by facilitating the exchange of insights, threat intelligence and best practices, sought to bridge divides and nurture connections among cybersecurity experts, and individuals with an interest in security from across the international research and education community and beyond.

NRENs play a pivotal role in facilitating knowledge development, not only by securing organisational infrastructures, but by safeguarding and nurturing the R&E community along with the knowledge it generates.

The evolving landscape of services and the increasing intricacies of R&E networks demand elevated security standards. As cyber threats to universities grow in sophistication, also driven by the expanding use of AI in cybersecurity, and as compliance with new international regulations introduces distinct challenges for different NRENs, the need for enhanced security is paramount.

GÉANT Security Days shed light on various dimensions of security, uniting diverse stakeholders with the shared objective of fortifying the foundation of future knowledge.

CESNET homepage web link


CESNET is an association of universities of the Czech Republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences. It operates and develops the national e-infrastructure for science, research and education and offers a rich set of services to connected organisations.

Opening plenary

Keynote: Prof. Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

Design and Analysis of Communication Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Moving the Goal to Post Quantum


Public key cryptography is the security foundation that trust and confidentiality online are built on. Many will have heard by now that current public key cryptography is under threat from being broken by powerful quantum computers. Fortunately, the academic research community has been working hard on quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms that remain secure even if practical quantum computers become a reality. This so-called post-quantum cryptography is a hot topic: the US is standardising the first set of algorithms for use and many large Internet companies are experimenting with PQC and rolling it out. Transitioning the whole Internet to these new cryptographic algorithms, however, is a major undertaking that comes with many challenges. In this talk, Roland will explain the basic need for post-quantum cryptography and will then highlight, using examples from R&E networking, what challenges we will face in the coming years.

About Roland
Roland is professor of data-driven Internet security at the University of Twente in The Netherlands. His research focuses on using large-scale empirical measurements to study the security, resilience and evolution of the Internet and its protocols and operations. Roland is also scientific director of the Twente University Centre for Cybersecurity Research (TUCCR), a public/private partnership focused on impactful cybersecurity research. He leads the contribution on threat intelligence for high-speed networks from the University of Twente to the security work package of the GN5-1 programme. Roland previously held positions at NLnet Labs, SURFnet, and other companies.

Closing plenary

Ana Alves
Chief Information Security Officer, GÉANT Association

CISO Wanna Be


Jan Kolouch

New Security Challenges for NRENS


Keynote: Daniel Stach

Journalist, presenter, science communicator, Czech TV, Czech Republic

Lies are (not!) everywhere


How has AI changed our ability to recognise what is really true? What are lies and how easily have they been spreading? How can we use AI practically to help and not do harm in journalism? It's not just AI. How can we use the available data to actually help people? And most importantly, how can we better use the most complex matter in the known universe that we wear between our ears to understand the world?

Do we have a solution? Yes we do, and it's not primarily found in technology.

About Daniel
Daniel is a Czech TV professional and presenter of the programmes Hyde Park Civilisation and Veda24 (both focusing on science), and also special broadcasts (e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, and significant scientific discoveries and awards). He's an interviewer of the most distinguished scientists (31 Nobel Prize laureates, live interview with ISS) in Czech and the English language. Daniel is also a member of the science department of Czech TV, and a moderator of various social events (particularly expert conferences) and sport events (e.g. Prague International Marathon, world championships and world cups in a variety of sports).

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